Thursday, February 7, 2008

Progesterone Cream Best Value

I found Elation Therapy Natural Progesterone Cream on ebay for a great price and with fre.e shipping. This company has been around for a decade and is listed with the better business Bureau.

Dr. john Lee has recommended progesteone cream (he has passed I'm sorry to say) and he never recommended just one brand, even though he had many offers. I got to meet him at the Las Vegas NNFA show right before he died.

For decades women have been treated a genia pigs by the medical establishment. Women finally had enough and started listening to Dr. Lee anout the bennefits of using the same progesterone that the body produced instead of the synthetic version the drug companies made. Was he ever a profit!

Here is a commentary of one women's journey I found on a web site:

Natural Progesterone Has Many Benefits
Unfortunately, we hear it all the time. Stories from women who went through torment before finding out about natural progesterone. Tales from those who knew something was wrong... who had been through countless tests (or had been ignored by doctors all together), but still couldn’t find the relief they needed. Stories from women who were at the end of their ropes with nowhere else to turn. And why? Because natural progesterone is just not commonly talked about in the medical community.

These “horror stories” are all too common - and they are completely unnecessary! Natural progesterone offers a world of benefits - proven benefits - that women all over the world will gladly tell you about.

Finally, things make sense to us. [My mother] has never felt well, though she has spent decades in doctors' offices trying all kinds of remedies. My mom, grandmother, and I have all suffered from similar ailments that have been diagnosed as osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma, etc., etc. I think you have saved me from the lifelong suffering my mother and grandmother have undergone.

-- Laura

When I owned a health food store I heard comments like this all the time.

The presidential candidates are down to 4:


Who knows where that will go.
This is a list of the remaining primary states. I hope they keep progesterone cream legal.

Louisiana 02/09 47 C
Washington 02/09 40
Kansas 02/09 39 C
Virginia 02/12 63 W
Maryland 02/12 37 C
Wisconsin 02/19 40
Texas 03/04 140
! Ohio 03/04 88
Rhode Island 03/04 20
Vermont 03/04 17 W
Mississippi 03/10 39
Pennsylvania 04/22 74 C
North Carolina 05/06 69
Indiana 05/06 57
Nebraska 05/13 33
Hawaii 05/16 20 C
Kentucky 05/20 45 C
Oregon 05/20 30 C
Idaho 05/27 32
New Mexico 06/03 32 C
South Dakota 06/03 27 C

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